Monday, February 01, 2016

In Memoriam - UPDATED

So, we're not yet sure what we're going to be doing yet or when, but there will be some sort of memorial service here in California and Dad also wants to have one back home in Kentucky.

We did want to let everyone know that Mom asked that any donations be made to First Christian Church in Concord, for their Capital Campaign in her memory.  If you'd like to honor her by donating please put "In memory of Janet Appel" somewhere in the donation.

We've checked the site and it appears that there's no way to donate electronically, so if you are so moved, then proceed the old fashioned way with a check.


Their address is 3039 Willow Pass Rd., Concord, CA  94519, and their phone number is 925-685-7503.  Their website is . 

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