Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Santa Clara - Day Three

And the days keep coming.

Another nine hours on site and another well in place. I feel for my poor coworker, YM, who drives my sleeping self to and from the site every day. I try, I really do, but it's just so early... At least I remained awake the entire drive back today.

I did have an interesting thought on the way to the site today (yes, before I fell asleep). Driving for one hour every day for five days can be seen as the same as driving for five hours one day to another site. And YM and I did that a couple years ago. We drove the same rattle-trap van from Pleasant Hill to Eureka for what I feel must be a record breaking minimum footage drilled.

We, okay our subcontractor Cascade Drilling vacuum cleared three locations to five feet. One of those locations ended up being blocked by an underground utility, and in one of the other two we had water come in, which was what we were sampling for. So using a direct-push drill rig, we drove... 4 feet. And hit water.

So in summary, we ended up driving about 300 miles one way paid for our permit, checked the site, slept in a hotel, drilled 4 feet the next day, and finally, drove home another 300 miles. It was a bit of a waste. We spent more time on the road than we did working on site.

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