Monday, July 30, 2018

Generic Content

So, I keep wanting to try to get back into this.  I wanted to start up again on my birthday, and that's more than a week in the past.  So finally today I had an idea, and thought I'd post something.

Then I got to Blogger, and found that Russia appears to no longer be surveiling me.  However, I am suddenly huge in France.  By a factor of 2:1.

Am I suddenly the Jerry Lewis of blogging?

Or are the Russians using a VPN that puts them in France?

So anyway, here is the content I was wanting to putout there.  These are Top Ten Lists that I created back when I was in school.  Here is the first that is worthy of sharing:

The Top Ten Safety Tips
10. Never eat or drink anything offered to you by a villain.
9. If it looks like a vampire, cringes from a cross like a vampire, and sucks blood like a vampire; then it sure as hell ain’t a duck.
8. Dragons and gun powder do not mix.
7. If someone asks if you are a god, say, “Yes.”
6. If you are not immortal, then you are not immortal.
5. Entropy and chaos work for the universe, not you.
4. Don’t cross the streams.
3. Death is not an adventure, it is the end of the adventure.
2. When you need your reputation the most, henchmen will recognize you only as an enemy of their master.

1. The black arts are named that for a reason.

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