Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Up and Down and Up and Down and...

So this week, I'm working on a small barge.

Now, this isn't a barge like a coal barge that carries (or carried, I don't know how much it still happens) coal down the Ohio River.

This isn't even like the barge that I worked on when they were retrofitting the Webster-Posey Tunnel from Oakland to Alameda.

This is a small barge.

The barge in the Alameda Slough had a conex on it.  And a full sized drill rig.  And three large diameter spuds that kept it in place once it was in position.

I'm on a small barge that uses three small anchors to place itself.

And I'm on it for about 8 hours.

Now, I sometimes have motion sickness.  I've gotten seasick on whale watching trips.  I used to get Doom-sickness with the old FPS games.  I still sometimes have motion sickness symptoms when I play Portal or the new Doom.

I've been okay so far this week.  I know the symptoms and if they start, I stand steady and watch the horizon until they subside.

My issue is that this is the longest I've been on a small craft.  The ferry is less than an hour.  Other things haven't moved as much.  And with this, I'm having to get my land-legs.

I get back to the hotel, I sit at the computer, and everything in my peripheral vision keeps bobbing up and down.

I almost fell on the floor when I stood up from the toilet this afternoon.

At least I feel like I'm rocking myself to sleep without even moving.

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