Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Journal Start

So I recently came across these journaling prompts, and then today I re-discovered them in my Pictures folder.  So, here goes:

If you had an empty room, what are the ten things you would add to it?

1. A comfortable chair
2. A Bluetooth stereo speaker to play music from my phone
3. A good light to go behind my chair
4. A bookshelf with my favorite books
5. A table to go beside the chair that can hold my water or lemonade

It's at this point that I re-read the question and think about the assumptions I've already made.  This room is empty, but not a vacuum so it already has breathable air in it.  My first world assumption also makes the temperature comfortable, wires the room for electricity, and within range of a strong WiFi signal...  So let's make a final assumption, like a mathematician or physicist, to make things easy this room is suddenly simply available as a new attachment to my home.

6. A rolling, tilting desk that I can bring to float over my lap
7. A ream of paper
8. A collection of colored pencils with sharpener
9. A plate of cheese, crackers, and cookies
10. A pair of comfortable cushions to keep my cats happy and calm

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