Saturday, June 27, 2015

I'm a Smith-oholic

If you know me, you probably know that I'm a big fan of Kevin Smith.

I can't exactlr remember how I first heard about "Clerks" and "Mallrats", but it was likely through the beginnings of the Internet while I was in grad school.  I do remember that I rented those movies, and then went to see "Chasing Amy" in the theater.  I've seen all of the rest of the Jersey Chronicles in the theater since then.

When "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" came out on video, I had a marathon viewing for my birthday.  It was a small turnout, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  When "Clerks II" came out on my birthday weekend, a group of us went to see it.

And this week, while Jennifer has been traveling, I've watched one movie everyday.  Except for today, when I watched the last two.

Kevin Smith gets maligned a lot for his stuff.  But each movie he's done has been a specific type of movie: black-and-white indie, teen comedy, romance, action, road trip cartoony, and true sequel.  Then he's gone on to make others outside of that world, and in a year or so he'll be returning to it.

I'm not saying he's a cinematic genius, but he world is tight, deftly interwoven, entertaining.  Every one of the movies has at least one moment that still makes me laugh out loud.

I think tomorrow I'll re-watch "Red State".

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