Sunday, January 01, 2017

It's a New Year

And so, it is 2017.

And what does one do on the first day of the year?  Well, of course, one goes for a bike ride.

Today we rode to BART, went into the City, and rode to Golden Gate Park and the De Young Museum.  Specifically for the Frank Stella Retrospective.

If you are a bike rider, I cannot recommend Golden Gate Park enough on a Sunday.  About half of the Park is designated as an auto free zone, and you can just ride and ride with only other cyclists, roller skaters and bladers, skateboarders, and walkers to deal with.  It is bliss.

The Frank Stella show was amazing to see with just amazing pieces of abstract artwork to see.

After the museum, we went and were able to get seats at the patio of the Beach Chalet.  It was a wonderful experience of buffet and bottomless mimosas (mimosea?).

Then we walked on the beach, and I watched the sand blow.

Then we rode back to BART with an incredible downhill on Oak back to Market, and then came home.

It was a wonderful day of wine, woman, and wind.

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