Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wondrous Well

First off you will excuse the typing. I will try to spell check, but I'm doing this post with just one eye open. Pom got mad at me and swatted me across the face. either it was from too much petting, or she was mad that we were gone all day. Either way, she just missed my eye. So the scratch starts halfway between my hairline and my eye and goes about a quarter inch onto my eye lid just above the eye.


But the reason why we were gone all day was our visit to the renaissance Faire in Casa de Fruita.

it was hot thee today. Jennifer said that it reminded her of the times in the old Blackpoint Forest location in Novato. My shirt got soaked with sweat, and I've got some serious salt stains on it. I'll get some pictures when it is completely dry tomorrow.

But the day was fun, we bought things, drank a little, but not too much, and saw some shows. We met some nice people, and enjoyed each other's company.

We'll be going next weekend with some other people, and I'm sure we'll see more performances.

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