Monday, September 22, 2008

Food and Drink and a Show

So Mr. Monkeys is going to be four decade old this coming Thursday. And he threw a cook-out bash at a park near where he lives. There was food and drink aplenty, but he'd asked for further supplies, so I brought steaks and corn on the cob.

I forgot the basil, but still managed to make passable corn on the cob. The steaks I seasoned with black pepper.

Plenty of beer at the party, and Mr. Wilson played Torquemada with the squealing grate over the fire pit. I managed to get away with only singeing the hair on my right wrist.

Other great food was Korean barbecue provided and prepared by an authentic Korean, Costco hamburgers which are always good, chips, salads, and four cakes and two pans of brownies. John says that he's got a kitchen full of leftovers.

The show came from people asking about the tattoo. Some hadn't seen the color, while the Unnamed and Mistress McCampbell didn't know about the tattoos at all. Also one of the oldest people to now have seen my tattoo (since family doesn't even know they exist) is Mackie's MIL, The Colonel.

I got a lot of positive feedback. Always a happy thing from those with blank canvases.

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