Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Engulf and Devour

Yesterday before going to the gym, I stopped by the library and picked up the last two TPB volumes of Y: The Last Man by Brian Vaughan.

Then I went home, and finished The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson. it was really a good book. I'm looking forward to Reading the third book now, and really eager to see how he writes and wraps up Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series.

And then, since Jennifer was out, I read both volumes of Y.

I can say that I'm glad I read them, and I appreciate the closer, but some parts really didn't help the series. At least that's what I think.

Like the general of the Israeli army who is driving her soldiers to help her find Yorick (the last man), not so that she can get his DNA to revive the planet in kosher fashion. She feels that women are weak, those in her squad and across the world, and she wants to die in battle by the hands of a man.

She's that character in any post-apocalyptic/disaster movie, that just keeps coming, and you know is going to cause shit all through the story, and is never going to be redeemed. And it just pisses you off, because there's enough room in the story for so much more than just this relentless character.

I got to bed about 2 AM. I need a nap.

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